Introduction to Database Systems

UC Berkeley, Spring 2025

Alvin Cheung

Alvin Cheung

Pronouns: he/him/his

OH: Tues 1-2pm on Zoom, or by appointment

Hi all! I’m an EECS faculty and my group works on data systems research. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Lakshya Jain

Lakshya Jain

Pronouns: he/him

OH: Monday 9-10 AM, virtual or by appointment

Hello! I’m a Cal alum who’s taught CS186 for years now, first as a TA and then as a lecturer. I did my undergraduate and masters’ degree from here and now work in industry as a software engineer. In my free time, I analyze elections. Go Bears!

  • Notes are meant to be a supplement to lecture; they are not meant as a replacement. Notes do not cover the full scope of what is tested on exams.
  • All lecture videos are posted on bcourses afterwards.

Zoom link for live lectures.

Week Date Lecture Discussion Vitamin Project
1 Jan. 22 0. Introduction and
1. SQL I
No Section SQL (due 2/3) Setup
(due 1/30)
2 Jan. 27 2. SQL II SQL
Regular (Slides)
(WS) + (Sol)
Exam Prep
(due 2/6)
  Jan. 29 3. Disks, Buffers, Files      
3 Feb. 3 4. Cost Models and
Disks + Files
Regular (Slides)
(WS) + (Sol)
Exam Prep
Disks, Buffers, Files (due 2/10)  
  Feb. 5 5. B+ Trees     B+ Trees
(due 2/20)
4 Feb. 10 6. B+ Trees and Costs B+ Trees B+ Trees (due 2/17)  
  Feb. 12 7. Spatial & Vector Indexes      
5 Feb. 17 President’s Day Buffer Management & Spatial Indexes Buffer Management & Spatial/Vector Indexes (due 2/24)  
  Feb. 19 8. Buffer Management      
6 Feb. 24 9. Sorting and Hashing Sorting & Hashing Sorting and Hashing (due 3/3) Joins + QO
(Part 1 due 3/7)
(Part 2 due 3/14)
  Feb 26 10. Joins
Midterm 1 (8-10pm)
7 Mar. 3 11. Iterators and Relational Algebra Iterators and Joins Iterators and Joins + Relational Algebra (due 3/10)  
  Mar. 6 12. Query Optimization: Plan Space      
8 Mar. 10 13. Query Optimization: Costs and Search Query Optimization Query Optimization (due 3/13)  
  Mar. 13 14. Transactions and Concurrency I     Locking
(Part 1 due 3/31)
(Part 2 due 4/4)
9 Mar. 17 15. Transactions and Concurrency II Transactions and Concurrency Control Transactions and Concurrency Control (due 3/31)  
  Mar. 20 16. Transactions and Concurrency III      
10 Mar. 24 Spring Break      
  Mar. 27 Spring Break      
11 Mar. 31 17. Recovery I Recovery Recovery (due 4/7)  
  Apr. 2 18. Recovery II     Recovery
(due 4/24)
  Apr. 3 Midterm 2 (8-10pm)      
12 Apr. 7 19. Parallel Query Processing Parallel Query Processing Parallel Query Processing (due 4/14)  
  Apr. 10 20. Distributed Transactions: 2-Phase Commit      
13 Apr. 14 21. Distributed Transactions: Paxos Distributed Transactions Distributed Transactions (due 4/21)  
  Apr. 17 22. NoSQL I: data models      
14 Apr. 21 23. NoSQL II: MongoDB Consensus Consensus (due 4/28) NoSQL
(due 5/9)
  Apr. 24 24. NoSQL III: MapReduce and Spark      
15 Apr. 28 25. Database Research [optional] NoSQL NoSQL (due 5/5)  
  May. 1 26. AWS [Optional]      
16 May. 5 RRR Week RRR Week - Review Sections    
  May. 8 RRR Week      
17   Final (TBD)