
CS 186 at UC Berkeley


The calendars for this semester's syllabus, discussions, and office hours are listed below.

Discussion Sections

The following table lists all the available discussion sections for CS W186, which are each 1 hour long. You can attend as many as you like, though it is highly recommended that you regularly attend at least one of them.

Conceptual Review (a.k.a. LOST) is an exception to the rule in that it is 1.5 hours long. In this extra time we will cover the conceptual foundations of the material in all the detail it deserves, building up to exam-level practice by the end of class. Whether you feel shaky on the material or you just want more practice, Conceptual Review is a good option to explore.

  • M 9-10 Soda 310 (Charles Lin)
  • M 10-11 Wheeler 224 (Jeremy Dong)
  • M 11-12 Etcheverry 3111 (Ethan Shang)
  • M 1-2 Hearst Gym 242 (Jiayue Li)
  • M 1-2 Evans 3 (Brian DeLeonardis)
  • M 2-3 Dwinelle 215 (Jenny Huang, Lakshya Jain)
  • M 2-3:30 Soda 320 (Brian DeLeonardis) - LOST
  • M 3-4 Dwinelle 205 (Jenny Huang, Lakshya Jain)
  • M 4-5 Evans 9 (Ian Rodney, David Wang)
  • M 5-6 Etcheverry 3109 (David Kim)
  • T 10-11 Soda 320 (David Wang)
  • T 11-12 Soda 320 (Angela Xiao)
  • T 12-1 Soda 320 (Charles Lin)
  • T 1-2 Soda 320 (Jasmine Le)
  • T 2-3 Soda 320 (John Yang)